Tag Archive | paprika

Full Meal Deal

Tonight I’m posting our dinner.  It was about half and half store-bought and home-grown but not to worry it was 100% DELICIOUS!

Full meal deal

Full meal deal


Chickpeas (Central Market)

Rosemary (garden)

Thyme (garden)

Olive oil (Costco)

Tilapia (Costco)

Radishes  – slice radishes and leaves (garden)

Mangos (Costco)

Red bell pepper (Costco)

Green Onion (garden)

Jalapeno (garden)

Cilantro (Central Market)

Garlic (Costco)

Sweet potato (Costco)

A dash of cinnamon (Costco)

Snap Peas (Costco)

I started by putting a cup of chickpeas in water to soak before I left for work this morning.  When I got home, I watered the gardens then I picked some rosemary and thyme to go in the hummus.

If you want to bake your potato in the oven, get it in there now.  Otherwise cook it in the microwave later.

I started the chickpeas and threw in the rosemary and thyme. I brought them to a boil and then turned them down to simmer for about 45 minutes.

I grabbed my mangos and started chopping them up. Then I chopped about half a red bell pepper and threw that in.  Next came the jalapeno seeds and all.  Then the green onion (about a 1 inch onion and all the green ends). Then some cilantro and some garlic (about 2 cloves).  If I had remembered to buy some limes I would have juiced and zested one and threw that in as well.  Mix it all up and set it aside to let all the flavors mingle.

Mango Salsa Ingredients

Mango Salsa Ingredients

Mango Salsa

Mango Salsa

I put the tilapia in a pan with about a tbsp of olive oil.  I covered it with sliced radishes and radish leaves.  I threw in a little cilantro as well.  Start cooking it over a medium-low heat. Put a lid on it.

Tilapia with radishes

Tilapia with radishes

Pop a sweet potato in the microwave to bake unless you had the time to bake your potato in the oven.  They do always taste best baked in the oven.

I drained my chickpeas, reserving the liquid.  Tossed them into the food processor with the herbs and a couple cloves of garlic, I cooked with them and processed away.  I poured in some of the liquid to keep it moving.  I put in about 3 tbsp of olive oil.  When it looked like it was getting too thick I would add a little more liquid.  At this time, turn  the heat up on your fish to medium-high. It is ok if your hummus looks like it might be a little runny.  It will set up and be fine in about 10 minutes.  Toss in some paprika and whatever else you might want to flavor it.  Put it in a serving bowl and set aside.

Your tilapia should be done now.  Take it off the heat.  Take your potato out of the microwave and slice it in half.

Grab the snap peas out of the refrigerator and get everything plated.  It is time to eat!

Let's eat

Let's eat