Tag Archive | saute

Sesame Spinach From Garden to Plate

We raided the garden and came up with some yummy goodness!  I threw it together making my version of Sesame Spinach (mind you that version changes each time with what ingredients I have on hand)


Fresh spinach, about 4 cups (I ran a knife through them so they would be bite size)

Radishes (sliced, I used the leaves as well)

Onion (sliced and I used the green tops as well – waste not, want not)

Sesame seeds (toasted)

Coconut oil (a little less than a tablespoon)

Salt and pepper to taste (I used maybe a 1/4 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp black pepper)


Toast your sesame seeds in a dry pan.  Set them aside once toasted.  I put them on one of the plates I was going to serve dinner on.  No one will know and anyway who wants to wash an extra dish? Not me!

raw sesame seeds

raw sesame seeds

Toasting sesame seeds

Toasting sesame seeds

Put your coconut oil in the pan to melt (it is solid at room temperature, unless you are in our house in August)

Saute the onions and radish slices for a couple of minutes.

saute onions and radishes

saute onions and radishes

Add the radish leaves and saute them for a minute or two. (long enough for you to run a knife through your spinach a couple of times to make them bite size)

Add radish leaves

Add radish leaves

Add your spinach and cover.  Let it cook for a couple of minutes.

Add spinach

Add spinach

Once it has wilted to half the volume add the sesame seeds, salt and pepper (or spices of choice).

Add seeds and spices

Add seeds and spices

Cook about two minutes more.

Serve warm and enjoy!

Sesame spinach with leftover baked chicken

Sesame spinach with leftover baked chicken

You can add garlic if you like.

If you don’t want the sesame seeds, you can add a few drops of sesame oil instead.  You’ll get the flavor and no seeds to pick from your teeth.

You can omit the salt and add soy sauce if you like.  The options are endless…  It is your meal, you can add or leave out whatever you want!